Based on a true story, “Breakthrough” is the story of a boy who, after drowning in an icy lake and being declared dead for almost an hour, came back to life when his mother started to pray.
“Breakthrough” is an inspiring, heart-tugging, must-see movie for everyone. Mark your calendars, get your tickets, and bring tissues. I had the opportunity to prescreen this movie and wow. It was amazing!

On one hand, this is a movie based on a true story about a miracle. We see the themes of prayer, faith, and God moving in the lives of the characters. What surprised me with “Breakthrough” is it went deeper.
They raised the question of, “Why does God miraculously heal some people and not others?” Why him? Why not me? Why not my dying mom? Many Christian movies stop at the miracle, but this movie brings up that question, that reality that feels unfair, and it doesn’t give an answer. I love that because that’s the truth of life and miracles. We don’t always get the miracle, and we don’t know why. The movie addresses this in a great way.
I also love the theme of faith in “Breakthrough.” We see different stages of faith from the different character and their own personal journey and struggles with faith. The movie doesn’t just present a one-dimensional faith. Even from the one who seems to have the most faith, there is struggle and growth. I love that we get to see that faith has different stages for different people.
There are also great moments of humor, particularly in the struggle between old-school and millennial church goers. Along with the humor, we see the humanity of the characters.

One of the things I’m cautious about when big film studios take on faith films is how true and authentic the movie will be to the faith of the characters of the story. I’ve seen them twist Biblical accounts, or water-down the faith aspect, or shoot church scenes is such an awkward way.
I’m so happy to say that “Breakthrough” did none of those things. The big budget from the big film studio coupled with how they stayed true to the faith of the story worked so well together in presenting an amazing movie.
Are you planning on watching “Breakthrough”? Let me know!
I think it’s a great movie for everyone except for young kids who just don’t have interest in anything beyond cartoons. Other than that, with guidance and family discussion about the themes in the movie, this is a great family film to see together. I included possible discussion questions below, but SPOILER warning!

Discussion Questions for Kids:
- John had some struggles with school and classmates. What are some of the things you struggle with in school or with classmates?
- How did you feel when John fell in the ice and they couldn’t find him?
- How did you feel when John’s mom started to pray for him even when everyone else gave up already?
- John’s mom prayed for him and God answered her prayer by bringing John back to life. Have you ever seen God answer your prayers? What happened?
- What did you think when John’s mom told everyone not to say anything negative (bad) about John’s health condition?
- When John’s mom said, “It’s not a good time,” Pastor Jason said, “I know. That’s why I’m here.” What do you think that means? How can you be there for someone who’s going through a bad time?
- The doctor said John is a miracle. Have you ever seen a miracle? What happened?
- John’s teacher asked him why he thinks God saved him, but not her husband. Other people also wanted to know why John got a miracle and other people didn’t. How would you answer this question? Why do you think other people get miracles and others don’t?
- What did you learn about prayer from this movie?
- What did you learn about God and miracles from this movie?